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- }0nf78
- {a A growing satanist movement in Norway
- {f by Nuffle of Destiny Norway
- {a The media in {cNorway {ahave reported a growing interest for Satanism,
- {cBlack magic {aand other {foccult {ephenomenons{a. The whole thing started by some
- young boys who broke into a church. They started a {csatanic ritual{a at the
- altar of the church. They did eventually start a fire there, and so was the
- police alarmed. The next day was the largest newspapers in Norway filled with
- articles about this incident. In the next days were a lot of satanists
- exposed , the police discovered caves and other religious sites dedicated to
- Satan. {cWhole Norway was in shock{a, the church talked about taking actions
- against the satanist, and the {fsatanic movements{a were satisfied with their
- work. But the satanic movement wasn't done yet.
- {f Numerous churches were {mdecorated {aby {epentagrams {aand {cSatanic {aslogans and
- some were set on fire. This demonstrated the power of {eSatan{a and that evil is
- winning the battle.
- {a One of the biggest newspapers dedicated their {eSaturday edition{a to
- {mSatanism.{a The church became {fdesperate{a, one bishop would assign several
- exorcists to fight against {cSatan {a and his children. But the atheists and
- Satanistic agents who had infiltrated the system stopped the proposal from
- being put into action.
- {f Christians {asaw {f Satanists{a everywhere. The librarian in my home town
- banned out a series of books called "{eTale of the Icefolk ({mSagaen om isfolket{e)"
- {aWhich is counting far above {m40 books{, Thy are written by a {fSwedish {awriter
- named {fMargit Sandemo{a. These books are very {cpopular{a in{e Norway{a, and is now
- marketed in {cPoland{a too. They were banned because there was occult elements in
- the book. the books described a family who is tied to {mSatan {abecause their
- ancestor sold his soul to the Dark Lord. Sandemo's sales have exceeded a
- million books.
- {a But none of these actions could stop the {cSatanic {aword to be spread
- across Norway. Many saw the benefits of being a {mSatanist {aand converted.
- {cSatanic Rites{a can bring some {frevolutionary news{a never made official.
- A few months before the {mSatanists {awent public was an very old church
- burnt down to the ground. The fire was caused by a {mGreater Demon {awho will
- remain anonymous for obvious reasons. {fSatanic Rites {ahas spoken with {fHigh
- Priest McAber{a, he confirmed it and said that they were planning more assaults
- at {m Christians {a all over the world. So prepare for the last days where Satan
- will come back to give his {ctrusted servant{a what they deserve.
- {m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {c Any questions related to {fdemons{a, {fpossessing{a, {fsacrificial equipment{a or
- {freligious matters{a can be sent to {cDestiny Norway {awho will pass them on to the
- notorious {mSatanic {fhigh-priest {eMcAber{a. He will, with {mSatan's {ahelp, answer all
- your questions. {eHere's the address{a: {c Nuffle/Destiny, P.O.Box 13, 7130
- Brekstad, Norway.
- {e Mark the letter with a pentagram to make the distribution easier.